
How to Celebrate Your Weight Loss Results

woman celebrating

Your weight loss journey will come with lots of mini milestones and it’s up to you whether you choose to celebrate each one or wait until you’ve reached your overall weight loss goal.

When you celebrate your results, you don’t want to compromise your achievement by overindulging in food. For long-term success, it’s important to get out of the mindset of using food as your reward. With this in mind, here are a few alternative weight loss celebration ideas:

1. Treat Yourself

When you’ve got something to celebrate you should treat yourself to something nice, but remember it doesn’t always have to be with food. Instead, mark a milestone with some new clothes, or make-up, a day out or tickets to see a show.

friends on a shopping trip

If you do want to treat yourself with something delicious to eat, consider celebrating with a fakeaway. Check out our favourite fakeaway recipe ideas, including a healthy pizza and homemade curry inspiration.

2. Recognise How Far You’ve Come

When you’ve reached a new goal, such as fitting into a new dress you’ve always wanted or achieving your overall weight loss goal, take the time to reflect on how far you’ve come.

A good way to do this is by documenting your progress with photos. Check out our tips on how to take before and after photos:

Weight Loss Tips: How to Take Before & After Photos


Weight Loss Tips: How to Take Before & After Photos

Learn top tips on how to take before and after photos to showcase your weight loss.

2021-09-28 14:51:12By Health & Nutrition Expert

3. Share Your Success

Share your success with your loved ones; celebrate together how hard you’ve worked and how far you’ve come. Keep their support and praise in mind for those times when you need an extra boost.

friends high-fiving

Our closed Facebook group is another great place to share your news. Our Facebook group is home to a fantastically supportive community and sharing an update on your journey can help inspire others, which is a wonderful feeling.

4. Plan What’s Next

It’s important to celebrate your achievements, but it’s equally vital to keep the future in mind. You don’t want to slip back into old habits and undo all your hard work; put a plan in place for maintaining your results.

After following an OPTIFAST weight loss plan, some people like to transition to another diet plan that combines the OPTIFAST meal replacement products you’re familiar with alongside conventional meals. Alternatively, you may want to try the OPTIFAST Maintenance Plan.

No matter how you choose to continue your journey, stay engaged with the OPTIFAST community and share how you’re getting on. Our supportive Facebook group is all about celebrating the highs and keeping each other inspired and motivated through any struggles.

Read more about the importance of surrounding yourself with a supportive network throughout your weight loss journey:

Creating Supportive Environments On Your Weight Loss Journey


Creating Supportive Environments On Your Weight Loss Journey

It's important to surround yourself with a supportive network throughout your weight loss journey.

2020-02-27 11:07:08By Health & Nutrition Expert

Health & Nutrition Expert

Health & Nutrition Expert

Writer and expert