
How to Lose Weight and Save Money

healthy, happy woman

Losing weight can become expensive very quickly and before you know it, you’re spending more money than you realise. From gym memberships to meal plans and organic foods, costs can quickly add up.

Here are some tips for a money-smart weight loss journey:

Enjoy More Homemade Meals

After a long day at work or when you’re pressed for time, it’s tempting to eat out at a restaurant or order a takeaway, but staying in and making healthy homemade meals is not only better for your health, but also your wallet.

woman preparing a healthy meal

Check out our collection of low-calorie recipes.

Avoid Sweetened Fizzy Drinks

While fizzy drinks aren’t unreasonably high in price, a few pounds here and there all adds up in the long run. Think about how much money each week you spend on them and instead could save by swapping out your fizzy drinks for water. Not only is it cheaper, but also much healthier.

On top of the cost, fizzy drinks have been associated with increasing the risk of developing a range of different health issues, such as diabetes and heart disease*.

Consider Cancelling Your Gym Membership

Gym memberships are expensive and, if you’re not going to the gym often, can be a pointless and costly investment.

We all start out with good intentions when joining, but over time it can become difficult to get there more than once a week.

Assess how much you’re paying each month and how often you go – if it doesn’t seem worth it, consider cancelling it and instead find new ways to exercise that you really enjoy and can do on a regular basis. For example, try out some of the free workout apps or online yoga videos. Exercise and being physically active doesn’t have to only happen at the gym.

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Get Gardening

One of the cheapest ways to eat healthy is by growing your own fresh fruits and vegetables.

Not only is it more cost-effective, but long-term, you might save a little extra money by not going to the shops for your groceries. And because growing your own garden vegetables is a laborious activity, you’ll be burning calories just by digging and mulching – another huge benefit.

Plan Ahead

When you’re trying to eat healthier, planning your meals for the week and preparing food ahead of time can save you both time and calories.

In addition to planning your meals for the week, preparing meals that you can take on the go will prevent you from going to the shop for quick-to-eat meals and snacks, which often aren’t as healthy. By planning ahead, not only are you making smarter food and money choices, but also ensuring you stay on track to reaching your weight loss goals.

Set Realistic Goals

To keep motivated, it’s important to set realistic goals. If you set challenging or difficult-to-achieve goals, you can start to feel overwhelmed and lose the motivation you need to reach those goals.

Whether your goal is to lose weight, save money or both, always have ‘the end’ in mind and come up with realistic and achievable goals.

Monitor your progress as you go along, and once you reach your first goal, set another one slightly more difficult than the first – don’t be afraid to challenge yourself, just know your limits.

Learn more about the types of foods that can help you to lose weight:

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Health & Nutrition Expert

Health & Nutrition Expert

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