
The Importance of Self Love on Your Weight Loss Journey

A woman smiling.

Embarking on a weight loss journey can be exciting and scary at the same time. It can be completely normal for you to feel a range of emotions as you navigate your changing figure, which is where practicing self-love can help.

Keeping your ultimate weight loss goal in mind can provide great motivation, but it’s also important to incorporate plenty of self-love affirmations into your daily routine too.

If you want to learn more on the importance of self-love, read below for our tips and best self-love affirmations to support you on your weight loss journey.

What Is Self-Love?

Self-love is a daily practice of self-acceptance and kindness towards yourself. As straightforward as it sounds, self-love is something that only a few people are comfortable with, while some of us are too hard on ourselves.

Acts of self-love include taking care of yourself, meditation, writing or reading self-love affirmations, and appreciating all the hard work your body does to support you each day.

Whether you’ve already started incorporating OPTIFAST meal replacement products or are still considering your options for weight loss, there are many people who may feel prompted to change their lifestyle or appearance as they feel inadequate, or not worthy of love. Self-love will help you to accept you the way you are and help to reframe your mindset towards losing weight to support your overall health and mental wellbeing.

A woman on the workout.

How Can Self-Love Support My Weight Loss Journey?

There’s nothing worse than looking at yourself in the mirror and not liking what you see.

Weight gain is a common occurrence in many people’s lives, but by practicing self-love throughout your weight loss journey you can potentially change your mindset and mental outlook towards your body for the better.

Discover some of the ways that self-love can support you on your weight loss journey:

  • It will help you celebrate the small victories

A weight loss journey is exactly that: a journey. We know that it can be frustrating to not achieve instant results but practicing self-love will help you to focus on the smaller, daily victories, ensuring that you celebrate with a mindful approach. Self-love may also help to maintain high levels of motivation throughout your weight loss plan.

  • It will boost your self-esteem

Once you start appreciating your daily accomplishments, you will soon acknowledge that you’re in charge of your own life. In a world where we often feel like we are not the main characters of our own stories, taking this radical step into self-love will boost your self-esteem!

  • It helps you let go of toxicity

Learning how to listen to your own desires, wants, and needs will help you let go of a lot of unnecessary stress and toxicity from others. Since mental health and stress-related hormones play a role in weight gain and emotional eating, self-love can help you to remain focused on your own needs, helping you to stick to your diet plan and boost your results.

  • You’ll feel better about yourself!

Losing weight is a gradual process that doesn’t come without its challenges – you may hit a weight loss plateau or go through stages of disliking the way your body looks. Practicing self-love will make you feel more understanding towards yourself, allowing you to love yourself regardless of how much you weigh!

3 Acts of Self-Love

Self-love is essential, yet doesn’t require extensive hours of meditation or expensive tools to achieve. Here’s three ways to incorporate self-love into your daily routine:

1. Take a Bath

Take some time for yourself and let the warm water soothe you while you relax. Allow your body to rest and thank it for the hard work it’s doing during your weight loss journey.

2. Meditate

Meditation – and mindfulness – have proven to be very powerful practices to help improve your mental health, but they’re also extremely effective in helping to boost your self-love during a weight loss journey. Dedicate a few minutes a day to mindfulness by focusing on your breath and the present, while allowing yourself to be grateful for what you’ve achieved so far.

3. Journal

Journaling is an incredible way to boost your motivation and put your results into perspective. By seeing all your accomplishments on paper, you’ll feel empowered and more appreciative of yourself!

A woman meditating.

The Best Self-Love Affirmations

Another amazing way to start including self-love in your life is by reading (or writing!) your own self-love affirmations to remind you of your worth and success.

Here’s 10 self-love affirmations to help you boost your morale when things get tough:

  1. I’m enough
  2. I’m worthy of love and acceptance
  3. I thank my body for sustaining me
  4. Everyday I’m growing and flourishing
  5. I am a beautiful work in progress
  6. I deserve the same kindness I give others
  7. I am strong
  8. I allow myself to let go of things that don’t serve me anymore
  9. I love myself and myself loves me
  10. I am the only one in charge of my destiny

Start your self-love journey today – never let your insecurities stop you from pursuing your dreams. Start practicing these self-love techniques daily to support you through your weight loss journey.

Discover more on how positive thinking can help you lose weight in this article:

How Positive Thinking Can Help Your Weight Loss Journey


How Positive Thinking Can Help Your Weight Loss Journey

Learn how to get a positive mindset for weight loss.

2022-04-05 12:20:19By Health & Nutrition Expert

Health & Nutrition Expert

Health & Nutrition Expert

Writer and expert