
Partial Meal Replacement: What You Need to Know

woman preparing a healthy, low-calorie meal

What is Partial Meal Replacement?

Following a Partial Meal Replacement plan is a flexible and convenient way to lower your calorie intake and promote weight loss. It also helps you focus on choosing fresh fruits, vegetables and lean protein at your regular meals, and gives you more control over your weight loss journey.

With our Partial Meal Replacement Plan, you can personalise your weight loss plan – you decide which meals to replace with our OPTIFAST shakes, soups or bars. The more meals you replace with OPTIFAST products, the more weight you can lose.

Which Partial Meal Replacement Plan is Right for Me?

Using OPTIFAST meal replacement products as part of your Partial Meal Replacement Plan means you’ll get all the essential vitamins and minerals (including plenty of protein and fibre) you need to stay healthy on your weight loss plan while also still enjoying great tasting meals.

Depending on how much weight you want to lose, there are two different levels (Intense and Active) of our Partial Meal Replacement Plans to follow:

Intense Level

If you’re new to Partial Meal Replacement, we recommend starting with our three-week OPTIFAST bundle Intense Level plan. You can choose to replace part of your usual meals with three OPTIFAST products a day, combined with one self-prepared, low-calorie meal. On this plan, you’ll be consuming a total of 1,200-1,500 calories a day. Check out our collection of low-calorie recipes for inspiration.

For example, you could eat an OPTIFAST Bar for breakfast, followed by an OPTIFAST Soup for lunch, followed by a more conventional evening meal – you could even choose to round off your day with one of our tasty vanilla desserts, as long as you’re within your daily calorie count.

Active Level

Our Active Level Partial Meal Replacement Plan provides more steady and gradual weight loss. We recommend that you use our five-week meal bundle and continue until you reach your weight loss goal.

On this plan, you’ll replace two meals a day with OPTIFAST products, with a daily calorie goal of 1,400-1,700 calories.

When you’ve reached your weight loss goal, you can move onto a Maintenance Plan. Find out more about how to maintain weight loss.

How Effective is Partial Meal Replacement?

A Partial Meal Replacement Plan is an effective and science-backed approach that can help you to lose weight or maintain weight loss, and lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Partial Meal Replacement isn’t as much of a drastic change as a total diet replacement plan, so it’ll be easier to follow. You’ll also still have the option to enjoy eating out and socialising, making it easier for you to stick to your weight loss plan for the long term.

By using OPTIFAST products to replace some of your meals, you don’t need to worry about meal prep or factoring in appropriate snacks – all OPTIFAST meal replacement products are convenient and easy to use on the go.

We also recommend doing regular light exercise alongside your Partial Meal Replacement Plan to enhance your wellbeing and improve your likelihood of success.

Get more tips on making the transition to a weight management programme like Partial Meal Replacement:

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